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Duke University Health System Clinical Laboratories

     Our Duke University Health System Clinical Laboratories are College of American Pathologist (CAP) accredited, CLIA certified, state of the art, multidisciplinary labs. They span three hospitals (Duke University, Duke Regional, and Duke Raleigh Hospitals) and include over 40 different specialized work centers, a large point of care testing program and phlebotomy across all of Duke Health. The laboratories employ a wide range of practices; from high-throughput, highly automated testing in our hematology, chemistry and immunoassay laboratories, to specialized mass spectrometry and molecular based testing in many of our subspecialty labs, to direct patient care by our transfusion services physicians. In total last year, our over 1,000 clinical laboratorians deliver over 12 million results to support the care of the many hundreds of thousands of patients who came to Duke. The laboratories are under the medical and administrative oversight of our clinical pathologists and doctoral level medical laboratory professionals in the Clinical Pathology Division within our Department of Pathology.

     In addition to supporting the clinical mission of DUHS, we also support the other two missions of our academic health care system: teaching and research. To that end, we support the Anatomic and Clinical Pathology (AP/CP) residency program, fellows in molecular genetics and cytogenetics through our ACGME certified Laboratory Genetics and Genomics (LGG) and Molecular Genetics Pathology (MGP) fellowship programs, fellows in clinical biochemical genetics through our ACGME certified Clinical Biochemical Genetics (CBG) fellowship, and fellowship training in our clinical microbiology laboratory through our similarly certified program.  Duke has partnered with several medical laboratory professional training programs in North Carolina and around the country to educate the next generation of laboratory technologists and scientists through hands on clinical rotations across all of our labs. Finally, our laboratories serve as one of the true translational research outlets for our Duke University Medical Center scientists. We strive to offer the best testing to our patients and have a robust assay development program supported by a dedicated group of test development technologists, scientists, and physicians.

Our Mission

“DUHS Clinical Laboratories and DUH Department of Pathology Laboratories are committed to providing excellent laboratory services to our customers. In a cost-effective collaborative manner, we work to meet the current and future clinical, educational and research needs of DUHS.”

Our Core Values

“Caring for our patients, their loved ones, and each other”